Countdown to Earth Hour
I know you read the last post and you are kind of convinced, but now you are wondering what on earth (haha – get it?) you are going to do in the dark for an hour. Well, I have the answers yet again. Here is Diva Ø ‘s Top Ten Countdown of What to Do in the Dark:
10. Take a nap. One of my favorite pastimes, light or dark.
9. Pray. I know for most of you this will take about 30 seconds. How about you spend the rest of the time repenting? That should take up the next 59 1/2 minutes and then some, you sinners…
8. Use a flashlight or candle and make shadow puppets on the wall. Extra points for the dirty ones!
7. Write your 25 Random Facts for your Facebook profile. I don’t usually endorse Facebook, but I’m willing to overlook how much it sucks just this once. What the hell – it’s for the Earth!
6. Walk around your neighborhood and pass judgment on people who still have their lights on. I know you think you can take everyone, but don’t do this one alone – safety first! And if you’re going around saying “I can take ’em”, you probably can’t.
5. Play with your………………………………….digital camera. Take funky pictures in the dark with the flash on. Who knows – you could be a talented photographer on par with Jamila Sams or Warren Grant! Nah, you’re not that good. (Don’t believe me? Check out and Fabulous.)
4. Write a heartfelt message to me about how my commitment to the environment has inspired you and changed your life. I know how important I have become to you, but it would be nice to hear it from you for a change.
3. Write a nasty message to me about how bored you are for an hour in the dark. Not recommended.
2. Prepare your rebuttal for when I tell you what a boring person you are that you couldn’t entertain yourself for an hour in the dark. I’m telling you – number 3 is not recommended. If you choose to do it, you will get your feelings hurt.
1. Have sex. It’s not rocket science, people!!! (By the way, no need to thank me or tell me about this one.)
So what are you doing for Earth Hour? I wouldn’t ask if I didn’t really want to know…
Holla back,
Diva Ø
Catch my chic.
This is hilarious, and BTW I love the eco-friendly Xmas tree in your profile photo!